Somewhere in the between
Somewhere in the between is a song by Streetligth Manifesto (SM), which can also be listened in Toh Kay’s version, that currently is my favorite. Both versions are my absolute top listen these past few months. To be even clearer, SM and Toh Kay are in my current go to playlist. Listening to their piece, I feel like getting back into my teenager self with a more consciousness to my own self. Its not a nostalgic moment by any mean, but more like the feeling of being big but small at the same time, if that makes sense.
I first listened SM in my junior high, when I was discovering some music. The first song ever for me to listen was Down down down to Mephistos Cafe. I was really into it at that moment because of how different it was, how cool i thought it was to not be the same with anyone else (meh). I tried to search other songs with the same genre, but there was none that got into my liking.
Fast forward to this day, out of the blue I remembered that Down down down to Mephistos Cafe but never really explored their other songs. Months later, I got reminded from a stranger, that very shithead stranger, of the band and I must’ve thanked that shithead to introduced me to Toh Kay, who is the vocalist of the band, versions of the music. The genre traveled long way from ska punk to folk. And my friend, that introduction has lead me to exploring both SM and Toh Kay’s and that is one blessing to be counted.
About Somewhere in the between, after many reads on comments of people’s thought (yes, I do not trust my only judgement because I’m poor at understanding, i might explain more later), to conclude, its a song that makes me understand that life is not just a collection of phases from born till dying. Life is somewhere in the between (duh). Yes, someday soon it will come to an end, but today, you ought to own it. This is the only life we got. Live the life, be present in the moments. As beautiful as it is, Somewhere in the between is an ode to life, a celebration of life. So lets fucking celebrate.
edited by: @a26_photography on instagram